Details of KBC Bowling


1) Mixed Social Bowls

Each Wednesday and Saturday any KBC member can book in to play by phoning the Roll Up Room (9498 1851) between 10.30am and 11.30am on the morning of the game. The members rostered on Roll Up duty will take down your name and organise all the players into teams. Wherever possible, teams of three will be chosen to play Triples. Play commences at 12.30pm and members should be at the club at least by 12.15pm to be ready to play.

On both Wednesday and Saturday members play for a bottle of wine, the successful members being selected by lucky draw. However you must be in a “winning team”. On Wednesdays a bottle of wine goes to a winning lead, a winning second and a winning skip, not necessarily all being in the same winning team. On Saturdays a “winning team” is selected. Should inclement weather occur, at least 15 ends must be played to qualify for the lucky draw.

2) Gissing Consistency Competition

George Gissing was President of the KBC for several years between 1928 and 1942.

As the title suggests the aim of this competition is to find the most consistent bowler in the club. Any member can nominate to play in this competition. It is a handicapped singles competition.

The Club allocates a handicap to every KBC bowler a few weeks before a Gissing Competition is due to start. The handicaps range from zero to 50. The top club players have zero handicap and the all other players are graded up to 50 in stages of 10. Lists are posted on our Notice Board inviting members interested in playing to register their name. At the completion of the time given for members to nominate their intention to play the Club posts the draw for the first round as to which players are to play against each other. It is up to each pair of players to arrange the timing of the match so that it is completed prior to the play-by date stipulated.

The player’s handicap is adopted as his starting score. The game ends when one player reaches 150 points. If both players reach 150 on the same end, further ends will be played until one member reaches a higher score than his opponent.
Each player delivers 4 bowls in each end.
On each end the player with the bowl nearest the jack scores 4 points, the player 2nd closest scores 3 points, 3rd closest scores 2 points and 4th closest scores 1 point.

If a player causes the jack to be “out of bounds” or in the ditch that player loses the end and the opponent gets all 10 points. It is therefore a game of “draw” bowls.

Rules of Play
Other than the contrary requirements outlined here, play is in accordance with the Standard “Rule of Play” for Singles matches.

The jack is always placed at the 4 metre mark ie 4 metres from the ditch edge – this point is normally marked on each rink by the Greenkeeper. The length of the End can be made long or short by moving the mat along the centerline.

The player winning the toss places the mat on the first end and thereafter the player whose bowl is nearest the jack places the mat on the next end. No Marker is required. Scoring is by agreement between the two players. Touchers are not marked. Bowls ending in the ditch or out of bounds do not count.

3) Place of Origin

A trophy in the form of a painting known as the Bob Sinclair Place of Origin trophy is displayed in the clubhouse. Bob Sinclair was President of KBC for the years 1964 to 1967. Three times each year the KBC runs the Place of Origin Competition. This is a match between Sydney born players against players born elsewhere. Any KBC member can nominate to play. The competition is played using Triples with the annual result being the team with the highest total score after the 3 games. Nominations are made by putting your name onto a list displayed on the Notice Board in the clubhouse and nominating whether your place of birth was “Sydney” or “Elsewhere”. Teams are formed and they play for the painting. The history of the results is recorded on the back of the painting.

4) KBC Championships – championships related specifically to KBC:

  • Major Singles Championship,
  • Minor Singles Championship,
  • Major Pairs Championship,
  • Minor Pairs Championship,
  • Club Pairs Championship,
  • Championship Triples,
  • Championship Fours,
  • Mixed Pairs Championship and
  • Mixed Triples Championship.

Any KBC bowler can enter these competitions. If a player wins a Minor competition then that player cannot play in that competition again, so that opportunities are provided for less experienced players to participate in club championships.

Each championship is determined by the larger score after a specified number of ends or, in the case of the Major and Minor Singles Championships, the first to reach 31.

The winner of the Major Singles Championship is the club champion.

The Club Pairs Championship is a handicapped event and requires an experienced bowler to play with a lower graded bowler. For this event the handicaps are graded from 1 to 6 and no team can have a combined handicap of less than 6.

The Mixed Pairs Championship and the Mixed Triples Championship can have any combination of men and women.

The Championships are spread throughout the year as indicated in the Annual Members Handbook.


1) Cyril South Triples Competition

Cyril South was KBC President from 1959 to 1962.
The Cyril South Competition has been conducted continuously for 40 years. It is conducted annually and KBC is the host and controlling body. Ten local clubs are invited to play against KBC at Killara. Each club provides three Triples teams playing with three bowls over 21 ends. The NSWBA Conditions of Play apply.

Any KBC bowler can indicate their willingness to participate in this competition, but those bowlers are assessed by the Selectors and they select teams that will provide stiff competition to the participating local clubs. Weaker players are often included as a Lead.

The four visiting clubs with the best aggregate margins against KBC play off in semi-finals and then the winners play a final for the trophy. KBC acts as host only and cannot win the trophy.
In the interests of closer competition, the clubs invited to participate are asked to limit their selection to players of Pennants Grades 3 to 7. It is a tradition that there is a break for afternoon tea with scones, jam and cream.

2) The Painting Trophies

KBC plays friendly matches against three local bowling clubs. A permanent trophy is awarded to each winning club and this trophy is kept at the winner’s clubhouse until the following match.

KBC and Warrawee Bowling Club play for the Langker Painting, KBC and Lindfield Bowling Club play for the Lindfield Painting and these games are played on Wednesdays. KBC and Killara Golf Club play for the Stedman Trophy which is a Designated Bowls Trophy. These games are played on Tuesdays.

Lists are placed on the Notice Board requesting members to register their interest in competing. From these lists teams of 18 players are selected to form 6 sides of Triples. We take it in turn to play At Home or Away. We also play a friendly game against The Australian Club in November each year for which there is no trophy.


KBC enters Pennant teams to play in Fours competition where each team has four players who each play two bowls. Each club side comprises 3 teams. The Pennants are graded 1 to 7. Currently KBC enters one side in Grade 6 and one side in Grade 7.

Any member may nominate their willingness to play, but players for these competitions are chosen by Selectors, who pick the best club bowlers to participate.

KBC is in Zone 9 which covers the Northern Beaches, Manly Warringah, KuRing-Gai through to Asquith.

These are the premier competitions for bowlers in NSW. The Pennants Competition is played from February to May and games are played on Saturdays.


Should new members wish to know more detail or require assistance please do not hesitate to contact any of the Coaches, Selectors or Club Administrators. We look forward to meeting you on the green.

Note – This page is based on the document “KBC COMPETITIONS – A Guide for New Members”.